Film Versions

Version Key

Version CodesVersion Descriptions
.. English Stereo Theatrical
2C 2 Cassettes Theatrical
2D 2 DVD'S for single title
2J 2 Cassette Japanese Subtitled
2S 2 sided dvd
3D 3D
4D DVD 4 Disc
6C 6 Part Cassette
AE Amtrak Edited
AT Amtrak Theatrical
BE Brazilian Portuguese ED Subtitled 16x9
BN Brazilian Portuguese Subtitled/ED
BP Brazilian Portuguese Subtitled/Theatrical
BQ Brazilian Portuguese ED
BR Brazilian Portuguese Theatrical
BW Brazilian Portuguese 16x9
BX Brazilian Portuguese Subtitled 16x9
BZ Brazilian Portuguese ED 16x9
CA Digital Closed Caption English Theatrical
CE Chinese Edited (on both tracks)
CH Chinese - Theatrical (on both tracks)
CI Canadian Fr/ Edited 16x9
CN Canadian Fr/Theatrical 16X9 Widescreen
CR Canadian Fr/Theatrical 4x3
CS English Theatrical with Chinese Subtitled 4X3
CS English Theatrical with Chinese Subtitled 4X3
CT English Edit with Chinese Subtitled
DB Dubbed
DU Dutch Theatrical
DW Dutch/Theatrical/16X9 WS
DX Danish Subtitles 16x9
DY Danish ED 16x9
E2 English-Stereo/Theatrical
EA English/German/Castilian. Spanish/Theatrical
EC English/Castilian Spanish Edited
ED English Edited
EF English/Latin American Spanish/Canadian French/Theatrical
EG English/German/Castilian. Spanish/Italian, Theatrical
EH English/German/Castilian. Spanish/Edited
EI English/Italian/Castilian. Spanish Theatrical
EJ Eng-Trk1/Japan-Trk2 Theatrical
EL English/Castilian/Spanish Theatrical
EM English/French/German/Edited
EN English/French/German/Edited/Italian
EP English/French/German/Latin Spanish/Theatrical
ES Eng-Trk1/Latin American Spanish Trk 2(Theatrical)
FA French/German/Italian/PORG-ST/Edited
FD French Edited (on both tracks)
FE French-Trk1/Eng-Trk2 Theatrical
FG French/German/Italian/PORG-ST/Theatrical
FI French/German/Italian/Theatrical
FL Full Screen DVD
FR French - Theatrical (on both tracks)
FS French Subtitled Theatrical
FT French/German/Italian/Edited
FW French Theatrical 16x9 Widescreen
FX French/Edited 16X9 Widescreen
GA GA - English/German Theatrical
GD Greek Subtitled Edited
GE German - Theatrical (on both tracks)
GF German/French/Italian/Castilian. Spanish/Theatrical
GI German/French/Italian/Castilian. Spanish/Edited
GK Greek Subtitled Theatrical
GL German/Italian/English/Latin Spanish Theatric
GM German/Cast.Spanish/Edited
GR German Edited (on both tracks)
GS German Subtitled Theatrical
GW German/theatrical 16 x 9 widescreen
GX German/edited 16x9 Widescreen
HE Hebrew (on both tracks)
HS Hebrew Subtitles
IE Italian Edited (on both tracks)
IS Italian Subtitle Theatrical
IT Italian - Theatrical (on both tracks)
IW Italian/Theatrical 16X9 Widescreen
IX Italian/Edited 16X9 Widescreen
JA Japanese - Theatrical (on both tracks)
JD Japanese Edited - Both tracks
JE Japan-Trk1/Eng-Trk2 Theatrical
JN Japanese subtitled ED 16x9
JS Japanese subtitled films Theatrical
JW Japanese/Theatrical 16X9 Widescreen
JX Japanese subtitled Theatrical 16x9
JZ Japanese/Edited 16X9 WS
LA Latin American Spanish - Theatrical both tracks
LE Latin American Spanish - Edited. both tracks
LV Latin American Spanish - Edited 16X9 Widescreen
LW Latin American Spanish/Theatrical 16X9 Widescreen
MC Master Copy
MJ Master Japanese
MN English Edit with Chinese Subtitles 16x9
MW English Theatrical with Chinese Subtitles 16x9
NS Norwegian Subtitles
OC Digital Open Caption English Theatrical (4x3)
PD Portuguese Subtitled ED 16x9
PE Portuguese Edited Both Tracks
PN Portuguese Edited 16x9
PO Portuguese - Theatrical (on both tracks)
PR Pre Released Theatrical
PX Brazilian Portuguese ED Subtitled
PR Pre Released Theatrical
PS Portuguese Subtitled Films Theatrical
RE Russian Edited
RU Russian Theatrical
RW Russian Theatrical Widescreen
RX Russian/Edited 16X9 Widescreen
SC Castilian Spanish Theatrical
SL English Edited/Latin American Apanish Edited
SN Spanish Castilian Edited (on both tracks)
SP Spanish Castilian-Theatrical (on both tracks)
SS Spanish Subtitle Theatrical
ST Sub Titled
T1 Tape 1
T2 Tape 2
TD Edited Thai Dub SD 4x3
TH Theatrical Thai Dub HD and SD 4x3
WF Wide and Full Screen Formats On 1 DVD
WS English stereo 16x9 FF Anamorphic